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Benefit from Snipd’s powerful AI.

Podcast microphone


Automatically transcribe your episodes using our AI

transcript icon

Highlight Clips for Social Media

Create beautiful highlight clips with animated synced transcript - in 1 click. Share via link or as video on social media to promote your content.

Share icon

Automatic Chapters

Our AI automatically creates chapters for your episodes. Including a title and summary.

Chapter icon

AI-powered Search

Users can find particular moments in your episodes by searching through the transcript, as well as Snipd’s AI-powered global search for podcast moments.

Search icon

Most-highlighted moments

See which moments have been highlighted the most by your listeners. Similar to “kindle highlights” for books.

trending icon

Find a new audience

Snipd’s AI will recommend relevant highlights from your episodes to new listeners. Be discovered by a new audience via Snipd’s TikTok-style feed of podcast highlights.

Audience icon

Current Features Available For Podcasters:

All audio is streamed from your RSS feed

Snipd is enabling your listeners to get more value out of your podcast. And we want to make sure that this benefits you as a creator as well.


We do not copy your audio files.


All audio content in our app, including any highlights, is streamed directly from the original audio source from the RSS feed.

This means that every listening session is recorded in your listening statistics provided to you by your podcast hosting platform.

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